Weather in Gamat-eMas Network (Batam) - No.1, Blk G, Pondok Asri for 10 days

Weather in Gamat-eMas Network (Batam) - No.1, Blk G, Pondok Asri

Riau province, Indonesia

Mostly cloudy,
Rain, thunderstorm
40 20 0 -20 -40


Sunrise 05:55
Sunset 18:05

Temperature, °C

feels like

Pressure, hPa

Humidity, %

Wind, mph

Chance of precipit., %


What is the weather in Gamat-eMas Network (Batam) - No.1, Blk G, Pondok Asri today?

Today is Wednesday, May 22

Mostly cloudy, Rain, thunderstorm. The temperature is +30°C, but it feels like +37°C. The probability of precipitation is 77%. Humidity is 100%. The atmospheric pressure is 1007 hPa. A northeastern wind of 8mph.

Sunrise at 05:55, sunset at 18:05. The duration of daylight hours is 12 hr 10 min

More about the weather today

What is the weather in Gamat-eMas Network (Batam) - No.1, Blk G, Pondok Asri tomorrow?

Tomorrow is Thursday, May 23

Partly cloudy, Rain, chance of thunderstorm. The temperature is +30°C, but it feels like +36°C. The probability of precipitation is 45%. Humidity is 96%. The atmospheric pressure is 1001 hPa. A southeastern wind of 7mph.

Sunrise at 05:55, sunset at 18:05. The duration of daylight hours is 12 hr 10 min

More about the weather tomorrow
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Weather in Gamat-eMas Network (Batam) - No.1, Blk G, Pondok Asri
  1. Indonesia
  2. Riau province
  3. Gamat-eMas Network (Batam) - No.1, Blk G, Pondok Asri

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